Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

Vision, Mission & Corporate Social Responsibility Top 10 Companies IT

6. Cisco, Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility practices are tightly integrated into culture and business and fall into four key areas: how treat employees, environmental impact, investments in global communities and governance practices.

7. Delphi Social Responsibility

At Delphi, shared company vision is to be recognized by customers as their best supplier. Achieving that vision requires to have a deep passion for excellence, a passion to exceed customers' expectations at every opportunity. Delphi's Foundation for Excellence -- and the Delphi Principles... provide the cultural framework to guide actions. Delphi hold itselves accountable to the highest standards of conduct relative to responsibility to society and strive to build and maintain effective relationships with the communities and institutions with which we interact.

Delphi is fully committed to the goal of operating all of facilities, foreign and domestic, legally, ethically, and responsibly. Delphi have comprehensive corporate policies and practices concerning conduct designed to ensure that Delphi is a good and responsible corporate citizen globally and that Delphi complies with the laws of the various countries in which operate.

8. Apple Not Found

9. Oracle's Accessibility Program

"Oracle is committed to creating accessible technologies and products that enhance the overall workplace environment and contribute to the productivity of our employees, our customers, and our customers' customers."
—Safra Catz, President and CFO, Oracle

"Oracle's business is information—how to manage it, use it, share it, protect it. Our commitment to create products that simplify, standardize and automate extends to all users, including users who are disabled."
—Edward Screven, Chief Corporate Architect, Oracle

For many reasons—legal, business, and ethical—Oracle recognizes the need for applications, and customers' and partners' products built with tools, to be usable by the disabled community. The Oracle Accessibility Program Office, reporting to the office of the Chief Corporate Architect, is responsible for defining the corporate standards for accessibility, and developing materials to train all employees so that they can successfully create products that meet those standards.

10. Xerox Vision

Xerox is committed to the protection of the environment. Xerox see sustainability, not as a cost of doing business but as the way xerox do business.
As a corporate citizen, xerox share in a crucial legacy – to sustain the Earth’s precious resources for future generations.

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