Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Information Systems


There are two groups of approaches in defining the system, namely the emphasis on procedures and the emphasis on the components or elements. Systems approach which stresses on the system defines the procedure as follows:
A network of procedures that are interconnected, gathered together to perform an activity or to accomplish a particular goal
Approach which is a networking system of procedure emphasizes the operation sequences in the system. Richard F. Neushel defines the procedure as follows:
A sequence of clerical operation (the writing), usually involves several people in one or more departments are applied to ensure uniform handling of business transactions that occur.

While the systems approach that put more emphasis on defining the system elements or components are:
A collection of elements that interact to achieve a goal
The components or subsystems interact and are interconnected to form a single unit so that the goal or target system can be achieved. To analyze the system and plan a system, analysis and system designers need to know in advance about the components of the system.
Based on the above, the general definition defines the system as a collection of elements which interact with each other and responsible for processing the input (input) so as to produce output (output).


In studying the system we have to learn the information, the article of a system that is less obtain some information will become outdated / not last long. Information can be raw data, structured data and so forth, where the data is a useful fact that it describes an events and real unity. Important idea underlying the use of the term information in information systems is to enrich the presentation, have a shock value or reveal something. Information can change the possibilities of the expected results in a decision situation. Because of that information has value in the decision process. According Jogiyanto, which referred to information are:
The data is processed into a form that is more useful and meaningful
According to Gordon B. Davis, that the definition of general information regarding the use of information systems are:
The data have been processed into a form meaningful and useful for the recipient to make a decision today and that will.
While the opinion of Raymond McLeod, who referred to the Information are:
The data have been processed into a form that is more meaningful.

So it can be concluded that the information is data that was changed / processed into a form that is more useful and meaningful in the decision.

Information Systems

It is known that the information is very important for management in making decisions. The information system is defined by the Robert A. Leitch and K. Roscoe Davis as follows:
Information System is a system in an organization that brings daily transaction processing needs, support operations, managerial and strategic activities of an organization and provide certain outside parties with reports
While the book Analysis and Design of Information Systems Al-Bahra essay bin Ladjamudin mentioned that the information system are:
A set of procedures at the implementation of the organization that will provide information for decision makers and / or to control an organization

Source :

Jogiyanto HM, Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi : Pendekatan Terstruktur Teori dan Praktek Aplikasi Bisnis, Yogyakarta : Andi Offset, 1999.

Al-Bahra Bin Ladjamudin, Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi, Graha Ilmu, 2005.


Part I

ERP is an information system to identify and plan the resources required the company to be used, made, shipped and are calculated efficiently and can merespom customer needs better.
The concept of ERP can be run well, if supported applications and infrastructure both computer HW / SW so that processing can be done easily
An ERP system is a set of Information Systems package developed and implemented a facilitating the realization of the concept of ERP in an organization

ERP consists of commercial software packages that ensure a smooth integration of all the flow of information in the company, including finance, accounting, human resources, supply chain, and consumer information
Package Information System which can be configured and integrate information and processes based on inside information, and cross-functionally within an organization
Single database, single application interface and a single unit in the entire enterprise.

Source :

Brady, Monk, Wagner (2001), Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Course Technology, Thomson Learning

Wawan, Falahah (2007), Enterpise Resource Planning: Menyelaraskan Teknologi Informasi dengan Strategi Bisnis, Informatika, Bandung